Screw cosplay drama

About Me

Sadly this site won't allow me to delete my profile but I was able to save some positive memories from past cons when people weren't such toxic pieces of shit. I am no longer a part of this world where it is no longer a positive safe space to be welcomed by the community. Certain people have ruined my experiences in the past making me distance myself from these types of events. Cosplay drama is a real thing and needs to be suppressed. Certain people like myself don't deserve to be ridiculed for taking a step back to re-evaluate life priorities while taking steps to better themselves. I have a life outside conventions through college, work, and hobbies that take me outside of the hotel environment. My life is far from perfect but I aspire for progress, not perfection. People who make cosplay and conventions their entire lives are nothing without it. I have lost friends to suicide during the pandemic assuming the cons were no more. Certain people need to grow up and start learning how to deal with others maturely. Unfortunately, some have resorted to death threats that have now become legal problems involving protection/restraining orders. I am mature enough to walk away and ignore such individuals who grew up raised as natural victims craving attention. Nothing wrong with cosplay and cons but there are other things to do in life. Blayne Taylor aka Orianna Taylor would rather play pretend soldier at a con instead of earning the title. Raymond Ferguson is the biggest poser for the USMC in the entire world, who served in Afghanistan working kitchen duty. Joshua Knowlton will always be a helpless single victim that can't get laid. Claire Michael will never grow up where her entire life is nothing but cosplay. Misty Maryiot's whole life is cosplay and nothing else.

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